
Archive for November, 2010

It is that time of year when things slow down and I have an opportunity to relax and do some additional research on the latest trends in Management and Leadership Development.  One issue of interest is management’s misconception about “Generation Why”.  The opinion is that when a person of this generation is given an assignment, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “Why” and it is a challenge to the manager.

While it may seem that way, it is indeed a misconception.  The reason “Why” is heard is not a challenge to the managers authority or a push back on what they are being asked to do, but a request for information so the person can understand completely what they are being asked to do.

If the manager will indeed take the time to explain what and why about the task they are asking the person to do, they will get exceptional results.  This generation loves a challenge and wants to understand.  So, it behooves the manager to take a little extra time and explain things.  This is a very talented generation that becomes bored easily. Growth, Challenge and Opportunity are the keys to this generation.  So, work with them on explaining “Why” and give them a hand with their social skills this little effort on your part will result in a very valuable and productive employee.

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